
The NIU is collaborating with Decelera, the world’s first startup decelerator

The NIU is collaborating with Decelera, the world’s first startup decelerator

Per Andorra Telecom | 31/05/2019 | News
The NIU, Andorra Telecom’s business incubator, is collaborating with the world’s first start-up decelerator, Decelera, previously known as Menorca Millenials. The NIU’s manager, Miquel Gouarré, and the entrepreneur and mentor Alejandro Hevia were among the protagonists of the workshop held this Friday on the Balearic island in a meeting that brought together twenty emerging companies selected from 500 companies from 77 different countries .

The talk by the NIU representatives, delivered to an auditorium made up of some thirty entrepreneurs and investors, focused on the ecosystem of innovation in Andorra. "Andorra is a country that is globally committed to innovation” Gouarré stressed, “and the NiU has a vital role to play in the growth and consolidation of this ecosystem".

Another of the defining features of the paper was the emphasis placed on the importance of the human factor, something which this edition of Decelera focused on. "It is people who make things happen," insisted Gouarré, who also stressed in his paper that the role of Andorra Telecom "from the point of view of social responsibility, is to promote the ICT sector in the country" .

The deceleration programme plans to submit start-ups to a deceleration project, based on re-planning their projects by releasing entrepreneurs from their daily activities that prevent them from thinking about strategy and validating their business model. In this process, they are accompanied by 60 business leaders, a score of investors and 10 corporations.

The NIU’s manager, Miquel Gouarré, referred to the opportunity that participating in a forum of this kind represents. "Not only because it provides an opportunity for entrepreneurs and investors to learn about the incubator, but because it is a chance to present the options offered by the country so that start-ups or long-standing companies can come to develop and test their products in Andorra." he stressed. Gouarré added that at the same time it is a "magnificent" place for Andorra Telecom to discover where innovation is heading and to identify new opportunities.